
iPhone 3G + iOS 4 = 慢


Apple Probes Complaints About iOS4 on iPhone 3G

By Jennifer Valentino-DeVries

Apple is investigating reports that the latest iPhone operating system causes problems for users of the iPhone 3G, after a series of complaints on Apple support forums and technology blogs. Apple is aware of the reports and is looking into the matter, a spokeswoman told Digits.

Reports of the problems have been overshadowed by “Antennagate” — complaints about the iPhone 4 antenna that led Apple to issue free cases to all buyers. But since the iOS 4 software became available in late June, user concerns have surfaced on Apple forums.

The most common criticism is that the phone is slow after an upgrade. There are also many complaints that the phone drains the battery quickly and becomes excessively hot. Concern about general problems such as slowness and battery life on gadgets isn’t unusual, but using iOS 4 on the iPhone 3G seems to make the problems so bad that the phone is nearly unusable for some people.

“This phone has gone from being a dream to constantly annoying me. Not a way to make friends. I would upgrade to an iPhone4, but I’m feeling pretty angry that Apple has forced my hand by making my 3G unusable,” wrote a user on an Apple support forums thread titled “iPhone 3G slow after update to iOS4.”

Apple’s latest iPhone operating system is powerful, and the iPhone 3G is two years old at this point. The new operating system isn’t compatible at all with the earliest version of the iPhone — but it is supposed to be compatible with the 3G and 3GS, although some features, like multitasking, won’t work on the 3G.

On Monday, the Mobile Gadgeteer blog on ZDNet said Apple should advise against upgrading the iPhone 3G. The Unofficial Apple Weblog told readers who hadn’t upgraded yet: “DON’T UPDATE YOUR iPHONE 3G TO iOS4!”

Compounding the problem is that downgrading the phone to the old operating system after upgrading to the new one isn’t easy. Some blogs have instructions, but those aren’t supported by Apple. And another option — restoring the phone to factory settings — removes information you’ve saved on your phone.

Readers, are you using an iPhone 3G with iOS4, and have you seen any problems? If you have seen problems, have any solutions worked for you?

Follow Jennifer Valentino-DeVries on Twitter @jenvalentino

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

I can' t but agree.I usually wanted to forget about in my site something like that but I guess you' r faster.