
Full Load

今日係第一次將架車 full load,重超多一個人添,但係見倒條胎好似頂唔住咁,都有啲擔心~


PS3 vs Wii

Just visited Tiger's home and tried the new Ridge Racer & GT5 (Demo version) with PS3 supplied by Desman!

The graphic output of PS3 is wonderful and the wireless controller is really amazing! Both the games support my Logitech Driving Wheel but the driving feel were not as good as GT4 of PS2!

I concluded that I will not upgrade my PS2 to PS3 but add the sporty Wii despite the graphical detail was much poor than the PS3. So, Wii + Hitachi Plasma will be my 2007 target!

For the Wii games, I have already reviewed and targeted on some of them:
  • Wii Sports
  • Cooking Ma Ma
  • Rayman Raving Rabbits
  • Red Steel
  • Super Swing Golf
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour
  • Trauma Center: Second Opinion
  • Wario Wave: Smooth Moves
  • Big Brain Academy
  • Wii Play
Will further look into them in future!



尋晚真係老貓燒鬚,响自己停車場失手,入彎偷唔夠位,搞到左面車底上咗石壆,花咗... 好彩影響唔倒個電門!一個月都未夠呀!



PDA 解體片段

如有興趣將自己部 PDA 解體,可以睇吓下面個 site,好多機種都有得睇...

Treo 680 解體片段



近日 PCCW 個 snaap! 賣廣告賣得好勁,隧道口、雜誌、報紙、電台... (電視應該都有但係我無睇),日日都接觸到!snaap! 賣嗰樣嘢吸引唔倒我,但佢個代言人... ,尤其呢一個 shot 就令我諗起啲往事...





一直都分唔清楚傷風同感冒,諗起 Wiki 可能有啲資料,果然!佢有個表比較兩者病徵嘅分別:





Caplio R6 新発売

原來月頭出咗部 R6,個外型同部 R5 九成相似,見佢個 Zoom 制改咗去機頂,不過依家重未有得賣!

日本 Ricoh


Omega Last Day

Having owned the Omega for 10 years and 3.5 months, I finally disposed it and sent for disassembly today!

The disassembly value I received is less than 1% of the original price! The depreciation amount was more than $100 each day for the past 10 years! The repairing cost was also huge for the Omega as second hand parts were limited and no OEM parts available in the market, the sole distributor thus charging them at sea food price. I had therefore suffered approximately $10 thousand repairing cost per year in average during the past 10 years!

Although the Omega costs me much, it's really a good car, V6 & FR car is really enjoyable. I have no regret for owning it and it will stay forever in my mind as my dream car.


Lay Off

Being an employer for over 10 years, today is the first time to lay off an employee! Not an office staff but a domestic helper!

She was from Indonesia! She is the second helper (the last one was left after finishing the 2-years contract) but was only worked for exactly 2 months as of today! We are no luck to have had her here, we already noticed her problem during the first week and have talked to her agent and we think that we should allow her more time to accommodate herself. However, nothing was improved and even worse and after 2 weeks observation, we immediate confirmed another maid from our former agent and planned to terminate her the day just before the new maid arrive who is expecting to come by mid April. God knows, she was even worser than we thought, we can't stand anymore but have to terminate her immediately even though we will not having a domestic helper for a whole month!

It seems that she is intended to be fired since she turn up, she is unexpectedly calm when giving her notice this morning and requiring her to leave immediately, she looks like she has been waiting long for this day (maybe for the $3.4k cash compensation)! She made us suffering from lost of some $6k and unquantifiable fearfulness and time spent for the last 2 months!

We are going to celebrate this tonight and will have dinner outside! Hahaha!

Hoping us luck for the new maid and God bless!


Girl Using Treo 680

Gen is the first girl I know using Treo, she has today bought her first Treo 680 at 10% off in Mongkok and bundled with a Treo Bluetooth Headset of which I bought at some $600 the year before! Having played for a while, the phone really provide a good feeling. I'm loving it~

My Treo 650 has during the last few days got crashed frequently, it seems that it will result like my Omega soon, to be diminished and be replaced by a new one~ hehe~



睇番早幾日蘋果,原來部 Mazda8 都被列入環保車系列,有得減稅,但係四月一日先生效,無我份!點解佢報導嘅售價好似有啲出入,貴咁多?!



新 Daddy Car

架新 Daddy Car 終於收到喇,果然係唔夠 Omega 好力,走完一轉麥當勞道就試倒!但係勝在位夠多,又多制㩒,阿仔唔知幾開心!

收車時發覺個咪數都係得 23,比起嗰時架 Omega 嘅過百咪數真係少好多。都係嘅,Omega 間中心響粉嶺,市區走一個來回都有成百啦!


呢條就係車匙,叫 Advanced Key,只要袋住佢响身,就可以解防盜同著車,唔使用裡面條金屬匙~

夜晚好努力咁將 Omega 啲什物搬去架 Mazda8,搞到我非常之頭痛,執咗我成兩粒幾鐘都未搞好!搞黎搞去,以前響車尾嘅嘢都只可以有八成放到去架 Mazda8,可想而知架 Omega 尾箱係何等巨大!擺唔曬嗰啲遲啲再諗辦法!


極速 Omega

我揸咗架 Omega 成10年,都未試過過5仟轉,更未試過過百4,如果唔係睇過呢條片,都重以為錶版個260係假架,真係想像唔倒!利害!



荼毒大眾的 Treo 680 文章

無睇 Tere 個 My Toys 一段時間,嚇然發現佢 update 咗唔少荼毒大眾嘅 Treo 680 文章!不過佢啲內容就真係好鬼精讀,對初玩 Treo 或玩咗一段時間嘅人黎講係好正嘅指路明燈!

..... Treo 680.... 妳幾時可以比我袋住.....

PS. Tere 記得分番啲 Adv fee 比我~